So your business has a website... now what?
Now, we’ve found a simple virtual terminal processing solution enabling
you to make money off of two totally new groups of customers.
The international market: Yes... people in other countries do have
money... lots of it! And I guarantee you not every country has been as hard
hit by the recession as the U.S. In almost every case, there is a way to
modify a portion of your business to serve online customers. Don’t want to
bother with shipping? Easy- enroll into the Amazon shipping program. They
take 50 percent but do all the work for you.
People sitting around at 10 o’clock at night buying stuff they probably
shouldn’t be. If you think this is a joke, think again. Walmart has spent
a fortune this year trying to fine tune its online store to capture this exact
group: The spontaneous Internet buyer. Some studies indicate this is
upwards of a trillion dollar market. If Walmart is going for it... you should
Get a reliable payment gateway.
This is what allows you to authorize transactions and manage your
customer’s cards. Make sure you get one that can do both card-present
and card-not-present transactions. Also... get a recurring billing function for
repeat customers. That will save you a lot of head ache in the future. To
read more about payment gateways click here.
Wait! Can’t I just get an Internet merchant account and skip the
payment gateway!
The initial cost of doing an Internet merchant account is usually pretty high
when you’re just starting out. Also, these accounts are not easy to get right
now. Banks are labeling all Internet ventures as “high risk” so unless you
have a really strong relationship with the bank, or are some kind of “bankwhisperer”
you’re probably out of luck. My personal experiences with doing
Internet merchant accounts with a bank can be read here.
The other cool thing about a payment gateway is that you get a check at
the end of the month, rather than having to take the security risk of running
every customer’s card. This lets you concentrate on sales and customer
service, rather than IT stuff.
The Shopping Cart
Once you have found a payment gateway, you need to set up a shopping cart. There are a
number of good shopping cart solutions. I recommend 1shoppingcart. And I definitely don’t
recommend Google check out. It’s the one thing Google did that doesn’t quite work right.
Process Pink accepts almost any shopping cart.
Sit back and watch it work!
Congratulations, you have now joined the rest of the world in accepting
credit cards online. You probably didn’t know what you were missing out
on until right now!
If you want a detailed explanation of how to set this up over the phone,
click here.
Presented http://processpink.com/and visit us for more information
How to Accept Credit Cards on your Website
We invite you to come read our blog about How to Accept Credit Cards on your Website, At http://wp.me/p12QJ0-q